It might be too cold in Minnesota to hit the course, but that doesn’t mean we don’t still have golf on our minds! If you’ve read our previous blog about how to have a productive golf offseason, you already know that you should be reflecting on your past season, working on your swing, and researching the latest golf equipment. But if you really want to take your offseason practice to the next level, check out our tips below!


Set a Goal and Make a Plan

Just like your New Year’s resolution to lose weight will go right out the window if you don’t make plans and small goals, so too will your goal to improve your swing. Instead of just swinging like crazy when you have to time to practice, make a plan and effectively utilize your time to practice your technique and develop your skills. Do all of the hard work now so that you can enjoy the season once it comes along.


Get Flexible!

Most people think about strength training to improve their golf swing, but they forget about flexibility. If you increase your flexibility, you improve your range of motion. This will give more momentum and power to your swing. And if you continue to strength train, you’ll be able to use your newfound flexibility together with your added strength to cultivate a powerhouse swing come springtime. If you’re serious about your golf game, talk to a trainer about how you can keep your body in shape and prepare it for the upcoming golf season. They may have tips for you to increase mobility, build strength, and stay fit.

Take a Golf Trip

If you’re in need of a vacation and you’d really like to get back to the golf course, think about taking a golf trip! There are a number of awesome golf vacations you can take where the weather is nice all-year-round. Getting on the course can help you make note of how well you’re progressing in your offseason training schedule.


Fix your Attitude

There are countless studies that show how practicing showing gratitude and positivity can improve our lives, so it’s no surprise that the easy trick transfers over to the golf world. Positive visualization can improve your golf game, so why not get started practicing a positive attitude now? Practice thinking about your game in a subjective way, rather than being critical of yourself. Then, practice giving yourself positive, encouraging phrases. Getting in the habit of doing this now, as you practice, will help it translate to the course.